Obaedul Islam

Creative Web Developer Web Designer Freelancer

Passionate Web Designer & WordPress Developer with 4 years of professional experience. I have a vast experience in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript & jQuery.

About Me

Hi, this is Mohammad Obaedul Islam. I have been a professional Web Application Developer, Programmer for the last 3 years. Also, I completed my graduation from Daffodil International University in its Computer Science Engineering department.
To be frank, Web Development has always been my PASSION. And this is the main reason why I have established my career in the Web Development sector.
Since 2019, I have been working with both small and large-scale companies with a satisfactory outcome. Besides, I have also worked on some freelancing platforms.


Trusted Clients


Completed Project

To be honest, client satisfaction has always been my main motto. No matter the type of online business you are running, I can help you build your website by adding my ideas or you recommend.
Within the next few minutes, you will be able to know how I can make a difference in your online business.


Web Design

Whichever type of business you to want run, having a clean, user-friendly & eye-catching website is so much helpfull for grow your business. I have huge experience on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, JavaScript, jQuery & DOM Manipulation.

Web Development

I am a professional Web Developer since last 3 years. I have sound knowledge in JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, MongoDB, DOM Menipulation, PHP & MySQL. I love clean & clear code with proper indentation & W3 Validation.

Wordpress Development

With a vast experiences in this field. I am familiar with so many Plugin & Theme. I work on Optimize WordPress Site, Speed Up, Security Measure, Landing Page Design , Slaes Funnel & add Custom CSS.


As a CSE graduate programming is my havit.I love to do it. Programming always helped me try to think next level by solving different problem. I have sound knowledge in C, C++, Java & Python. Professionally, as a Webdeveloper I am working on Javascript & PHP.

Client Testimonial

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